My Travel Gears

I will now showcase my huge arsenal of personal gears and equipments as a frustrated Traveler (despite of financial constraints) and a disturbed blogger (regardless of my weakness in S-V agreement):
 Strike (my TNF Surge BackPack)  is my travel companion everywhere I go. I bought this "very" expensive bag out of my earnings in the recent Barangay Elections! hehehe thanks to CorelDraw and Adobe Photoshop :)

Dex (my Acer Aspire Laptop) is my biggest investment (actually hindi pa ito bayad :)) I travel with my laptop because of the nature of my "raket". I am a freelance Digital LayOut artist so i'm always on the go. Aside from that, I'm giving lectures on Youth Leadership and Development everywhere so I need an enormous stash for my digital files and presentations.

This is my Casio Exilim 8.1 MP Digital Camera. I bought this one in 2008, yes its too old and this camera needs to rest! so I need sponsor/s to buy Nikon or Canon SLR! hehehe :)